Thanks to everyone who let me know about e-journal back files available. To recap, what I asked for was e-journal backfile packages that have a one-time fee with no annual fee (unlike JSTOR, for example, which has a significant annual maintenance fee). I received the following information from publishers and SERIALST subscribers. Some backfiles truly have no annual fee; others do have a small one: 1. ANNUAL REVIEWS The Annual Reviews Electronic Back Volume Collection covers all Annual Reviews articles from our inception in 1932 through the current-year-minus-five. That's over 1100 separate volumes and over 23,000 articles! The Collection is yours for a one-time purchase price, with no maintenance fees. Regardless of which titles you take in current subscriptions, the Back Volume Collection includes all Annual Reviews titles; and it grows annually as long as you maintain even one subscription to current content. (If you cancel all your current subscriptions – Heaven forbid! – the Collection ceases to grow, but you maintain access to it as it stands at the time of cancellation.) 2. NATURE The Nature archive is broken up into three sections that are available as individual, one-time purchases with no annual fees. They cover the years 1869-1949, 1950-1986 and 1987-1996. 3. SAGE Sage Deep Backfile The Deep Backfile includes 301 backfile full text journals back to Volume 1, Issue 1, through the last issue of 1998. Annual access fee waived for 15 or more years in some cases. 4. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY ACS Legacy Archives. See The ACS Legacy Archives provides full-text searching and instant access to all titles, volumes, issues, and articles published by the ACS from 1879 to 1995. The ACS features a one-time payment option to access ACS Legacy Archives. This one-time payment option secures ongoing access rights to the Archives content. Customers who choose the one-time payment option access the Archives from ACS servers and are charged a nominal annual maintenance fee. 5. EMERALD 6. BLACKWELL Blackwell Journal Backfiles currently include 313 journals spanning 4.2 million digitized pages, with a further 187 journals due to be completed before the end of 2008. Covering 118 years of original, research and thinking, Blackwell Journal Backfiles represent an excellent archive of leading brands and top society publications such as: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Journal of the American Ceramic Society and the British Journal of Dermatology. Blackwell Journal Backfiles can be purchased for a one-time fee for the whole collection, by subject area, or you can pick and choose individual titles to suit your institution's needs: choose from the Full Collection, STM Collection, HSS Collection or pick individual titles. Number of titles currently available by subject area:: * Social and Behavioral Science - 72 titles * Life and Physical Science - 67 titles * Medicine - 57 titles * Business, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Math and Stats - 45 titles * Nursing, Health and Dentistry - 28 titles * Humanities - 20 titles * Agriculture and Animal Sciences - 12 titles * Engineering, Computing and Technology - 6 titles * Law - 6 titles For a complete listing of Blackwell backfiles by subject area, go to: 7. WILEY Wiley's backfiles are sold in collections. All collections are listed here: We have a 5% discount for licensing 2-4 collections and 10% off 5 or more. 8. CAMBRIDGE Collections and full collection coming soon, but not available yet. Now they only have backfile of J of Fluid Mechanics. 9. OXFORD • Content from 1849-1995 • Over 3 million article pages • Only $0.06 cents per page • 142 journals 10. SPRINGER Springer Online Archives Collection. Eleven Online Library Packages being offered include: Behavioral Sciences Biomedical and Life Sciences Business and Economics Chemistry and Materials Science Computer Science Earth and Environmental Sciences Engineering Humanities, Social Sciences and Law Mathematics Medicine Physics and Astronomy Journals may be assigned to more than one package. Exclusions include journals not presently online, some co-published journals, those that have none of their content printed in English, or were discontinued before 1995. 11. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS (IOP) 12. IGI GLOBAL Perpetual access to the backfile, which begins with the year 2000, can also be purchased for an additional one-time fee. IGI Global is not currently charging a maintenance fee to institutions that have purchased perpetual access. 13. AMERICAN PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY 'Legacy content' for the American Journal of Physiology 14. SCIENCE DIRECT / ELSEVIER 15. TAYLOR & FRANCIS 11 collections available; price ranges from $11K to $65K. Annual maintenance fees in the neighborhood of $495 - $750. Discounts available if more than one package is selected. 16. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Backfile of one journal only: The Duke Mathematical Journal: Volumes 1–100 -- Andree Rathemacher Associate Professor Head, Serials Unit University Library, University of Rhode Island 15 Lippitt Road Kingston, RI 02881-2011 work: (401) 874-5096 fax: (401) 874-4588 e-mail: e-mail: