Re: What was this serials technology called?
Mary Lou Epp 30 Apr 2008 18:06 UTC
It is called a "flexoline". I was one who typed and filed those little
strips for years pre-automation.
MaryLou Epp
Serial Records Specialist
University Libraries
University of Nebraska--Lincoln
Lincoln NE 68588-4100
"SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum" <SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU>
wrote on 04/30/2008 12:13:30 PM:
> This is a somewhat recreational question, but perhaps the list would
> be willing to weigh in on it.
> I've been cruising flickr looking for cataloging images for my blog,
> and found this one:
> I realized that it's a mysterious, lost technology that I don't know
> anything about. What on earth was it called? I struggle to think of
> keywords to even Google it!
> I'm old enough to remember them in use, but never personally worked
> with them. How did all the little cardboard strips fit into the
> typewriter so you could type on them? Do you pull off the top metal
> strip of the holder and drop the strips into each side? And, I
> suppose you have to shift all the strips each time you get a new line
> ...?
> Any insight into the workings of these things from long-time
> serialists would be appreciated!
> --
> Cheryl Boettcher Tarsala
> Adjunct Assistant Professor
> LEEP Program, Graduate School of Library and Information Science
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
> The views expressed here are my own and not those of UIUC or GSLIS.