Re: Problems with Dun & Bradstreet? Norman Hines NGHINES 29 Apr 2008 16:55 UTC

We've been through the same thing with Dun and Bradstreet over something
we cancelled in 2006 - it was finally resolved, but it was frustrating to
say the least.

I don't know what was worse, getting forwarded to the offshore call
centers or the periodic calls from the D&B collections guy.

Keep a file - and if possible a sense of humor. You will need both.

Norman Hines

"Belcher, Dana M." <dbelcher@ECOK.EDU>
Sent by: "SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum"
04/29/2008 12:41 PM
Please respond to
"SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum" <>


Re: [SERIALST] Problems with Dun & Bradstreet?

We had major problems, and it took me two years to get it resolved.  I
just refused to pay the invoices and constantly called my sales rep.  She
blamed everything on outsourcing overseas, but we are finally D&B free!! I
have a two inch thick file of all the invoices, emails, and phone calls.

Dana Belcher, Assistant Library Director
East Central University
1100 E. 14th St.
Ada, OK  74820
580-436-3242 (fax) <>


From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum on behalf of Hillary
Sent: Tue 4/29/2008 10:54 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Problems with Dun & Bradstreet?

We have been having a really hard time with the customer service at Dun
Bradstreet for a couple of years now.  They bill us for things that we've
cancelled and then are completely incapable of responding in a helpful
manner.  Their communication style ranges from rarely returning e-mails to
hanging up on us when we try to resolve issues by phone.  If anyone has
strategies they can share with me (off-list) for dealing with these folks,
I'd appreciate it.  Are there any vendors who handle D&B materials, or are
we stuck with them?


Hillary Corbett
Assistant Head, Print Management Dept.
Northeastern University Libraries
360 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617.373.2352  |  Fax: 617.373.8396