Re: Claiming-Anyone else ever have this happen Tara L. Brazee, U.S. Copyright Office 25 Apr 2008 20:04 UTC

Well, I recently received a response to a "Copyright Claims Notice" referring to "the missing clams you requested."  Of course, neither the "claims" nor the "clams" have yet arrived.  :- ]

Tara Brazee

~Tara L. Brazee ~ Library of Congress ~ U.S. Copyright Office ~ Acquisitions ~ 101 Independence Avenue, SE ~ Washington, DC 2054 ~ ph: 202-707-4433 (direct) ~ fx: 202-707-4435  ~

>>> David Brautigam <dbrautig@WESTMINSTER.EDU> 04/25/08 3:56 PM >>>

Colleagues -
        If you'll pardon a cynical reply, in this day and age I could suspect that someone does not know the difference between the word 'noted' (as in 'claim noted') and 'notarized' (as in atested to or authenticated).

        Happy Friday, you-all.
                            David Brautigam
                            Vice President (Periodically)
                            Westminster College
                            New Wilmington,  PA