Re: Claiming-Anyone else ever have this happen? Michael A. Edwards 25 Apr 2008 17:58 UTC

Why not?  We've seen nearly everything else so far.

Michael A. Edwards
Serials & Electronic Resources Librarian
Harold F. Johnson Library Center
Hampshire College
Amherst, MA 01002-3372
413.559.5766 voice
413.559.5419 fax

What's another word for thesaurus?

Dolores Coyle wrote:
> Our serials assistant just received an unusual response to a claim and I am
> wondering if this has ever happened to anyone else.  After claiming an issue
> of the journal "Attitude" she received a hand written, NOTARIZED, note on a
> piece of scrap paper stating that we had been sent the issue in January.
> Just wondering if notarizing scrap paper is the new trend in claim answers?
> Dolores Coyle
> Supervisor Serials Acquisitions
> Paley Library 017-00
> 1210 W. Berks Street
> Temple University
> Philadelphia, PA 19122
> voice: 215-204-1359
> fax: 215-204-8550
> email: