Re: Need examples of quirky e-journals Dietsch.Barbara@EPA.GOV 21 Mar 2008 15:54 UTC

One more example of quirky titles split between two URLs:

Title:  Toxicologic Pathology
Society:  Society of Toxicologic Pathology
Current Publisher:  Sage

Here's an example of a society putting forth a best effort of presenting
their archives before the publisher has had a chance to digitize down to
the article level:

Sage (article level)
1999 to present

The Society of Toxicologic Pathology (issue level)
1972 to 2003
Unfortunately, it is presented as entire issues instead of individual
articles.  Useful, but a little difficult to use.  Unfortunately this is
also an example of an original title not being properly identified and
split out into a separate URL.  The original early title was Bulletin of
the Society of Pharmacological and Environmental Pathologists.  Oh, but
it's open access so kudos to the Society of Toxicologic Pathology for
trying so hard despite the early title not being acknowledged and the
big files.


barb dietsch | serials coordinator
epa library | unc contract staff
109 alexander drive | mail code c267-01
research triangle park, nc 27711
phone: 919.541.0726
fax: 919.541.1405

             Patricia A"
             <pglasson@PURDUE                                        To
             .EDU>                    SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU
             Sent by:                                                cc
             Serials in                                         Subject
             Libraries                [SERIALST] Need examples of
             Discussion               quirky e-journals

             03/21/2008 10:49

              Please respond
                Serials in

Apologies for cross-posting.

We know we've run across several examples of e-journals that appear on a
provider's site under the latest title only, even though some issues in
the archives were originally published under an earlier title.
Conversely we've seen e-journals where one title is divided between 2
URLs because part of the run is in the backfiles and the rest in current

But now we've been asked to provide some examples on short notice, and
we're scrambling to identify titles and websites where these kinds of
problems can be seen.

If you've encountered some of these titles/sites recently and can help
us identify examples, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Patty Glasson
Serials Cataloging Specialist
Purdue University