Re: Highwire Press Free Journals Pennington, Buddy D. 13 Mar 2008 14:09 UTC

We haven't done anything systematically, but when we recognize that a
title requires free registration, we will indicate it in a public note
for the journal in Serials Solutions.

Buddy Pennington
Serial Acquisitions Librarian
University of Missouri - Kansas City
University Libraries
800 E. 51st Street
Kansas City, MO  64110

UMKC University Libraries: Discovery. Knowledge. Empowerment.

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Barbara Pope
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Highwire Press Free Journals

Hello, everyone.  Our patrons like to use the Highwire Press Database
and the Highwire Press Free Journals for their research.  We have the
Highwire Press Free Journals set up in our Serials Solutions A to Z List

and 360 Linker.  The main problem with this is that when patrons click
on the url to go to an article, it isn't always free.  Some say it is
free with a registration or something.  Does each individual title
require a registration.  How do you all handle this problem?

Thank you.


Barbara Pope, MALS
Periodicals/Reference Librarian
Axe Library
Pittsburg State University
1701 S. Broadway
Pittsburg KS  66762