Washington Monthly Skwor, Jeanette 10 Mar 2008 19:12 UTC

To anyone out there concerned about this title, and/or claiming the Jan/Feb issue - I emailed them and got this response back within a few hours:

Apologies!  Your subscription should be just fine.  The reason you haven't received an issue recently is that we haven't published a magazine since December.  Our usual Jan/Feb issue was delayed for so long that it will be a Jan/Feb/March combined issue which was mailed March 4th.  Don't fear though; we have extended everyone's subscription expiration date by one more issue.  The combined issue contains 37 essays from both sides of the political aisle on the debate about torture of prisoners.  Writers include Nancy Pelosi, Wesley Clark, John Kerry, Leon Panetta, Richard Lugar, Ted Sorenson, Claudia Kennedy, and many others.

 We are very sorry for the delay and we appreciate your interest in the Washington Monthly.

Decent customer service is alive and well; this made *my* Monday.

Jeanette L. Skwor
Serials Dept., Cofrin Library
University of WI-Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI  54311-7003

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