Re: Serials Solutions and SFX Beth Johns 22 Feb 2008 16:36 UTC

I'm interested too, so please post to the list.  We are also an SFX library and are looking at other products.

Beth M. Johns, MLIS
Electronic Resources Librarian
Direct: 1-989-964-2158
Saginaw Valley State University

>>> "Flanders, Jo" <jlflanders@STCLOUDSTATE.EDU> 2/22/2008 10:36 am >>>
We are currently using SFX for our link resolver, and we are considering
subscribing to Serials Solutions. I am wondering if those currently
using either SS or SFX (or both) can provide thoughts on either product
and using either one or both.

Thanks in advance for providing insight on this topic.

Jo Flanders

Acquisitions/Collection Librarian

Learning Resources and Technology Services (LR&TS)

St. Cloud State University

St. Cloud, Minnesota

320 308 4756 <>

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