OCLC eSerials Holdings Service Web Seminar -- Feb. 28, 2008 Gabel,Linda 20 Feb 2008 20:11 UTC

Looking for ways to automatically set and maintain your library's
eSerials holdings in WorldCat? Join us Feb. 28, at 3:30 EST for a live,
free Web session on the OCLC eSerials Holdings service and we'll show
you how your library can:
*	Make your electronic content more visible and accessible-without
adding to your cataloging workload
*	Automate setting and maintaining your library's location
holdings in WorldCat
*	Increase the value of your investment in A-Z lists, OpenURL
resolver, WorldCat, and WorldCat Collection Analysis
*	Increase usage of your electronic serials collection
*	Automatically control and/or deflect ILL requests from
colleagues in the OCLC cooperative
*	Get started using the eSerials Holdings service-available at no
charge to OCLC member libraries
To register for the Web session, go to at
8 . For more information, contact your OCLC Regional Service Provider
<http://www.oclc.org/contacts/regional/>  or visit the eSerials Web site
<http://www.oclc.org/eserialsholdings/default.htm> .



Linda Gabel
eSerials Holdings Product Manager
6565 Kilgour Place
Dublin, OH  43017-3395
800-848-5878, ext. 6374
Fax: 614-718-7196
email: gabell@oclc.org