Re: Price increase reports for online resources Anna Creech 15 Jan 2008 16:17 UTC

It is already difficult to track over-all price changes for electronic
resources that do not have print counterparts, like many journals do,
because often the price varies from institution to institution, and not
necessarily based on FTE or Carnegie rankings. Also, license agreements can
prohibit institutions from sharing that information. One major science
journal publisher has already seen this cash cow and is switching pricing
for their ejournals from being based on the print price to being based on
some weird combination of rankings and use.  If more publishers head in that
direction, expect to say goodbye to any sort of price prediction beyond
"significantly more than last year."

Anna L. Creech
Electronic Resources Librarian
Boatwright Memorial Library
University of Richmond
p: 804-289-8457
f: 804-287-1840