Midwinter Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee Update Forum Anna Ashikhmina 08 Jan 2008 21:24 UTC


Please join us for the ALCTS Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee Update Forum 1/14/2008 Monday 01:30 pm - 03:30 pm Pennsylvania Convention Center #109 B

Our Agenda includes:

LC/ISSN report by Regina Reynolds, Library of Congress

CONSER report by Les Hawkins, CONSER

CC:DA report by Kevin Randall, Northwestern University

RDA report by Kevin Randall, Northwestern University

Yee Cataloging Rules, or, Alternative RDA : an experiment in designing a different approach to FRBR-izing the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules with a focus on the rules for continuing resources by Martha Yee, UCLA Film & Television Archive and Ed Jones, National University.
To learn more about Yee Cataloging Rules go to: http://myee.bol.ucla.edu/

Anna Ashikhmina,
CRCC Chair


Anna Ashikhmina

Coordinator, Original

Cataloging and Authority Control Unit

University of Delaware Library

Newark, DE 19717-5267

Ph:       302/831-8223

Fax:      302/831-6996

E-mail:  annaa@udel.edu