Re: Journals without wrappers? Dietsch.Barbara@EPA.GOV 29 Jan 2008 16:23 UTC

Pros and cons...........

One good thing about the paper inserts that have the mailing label on
them (inside the plastic wrapper) or paper envelopes that come with can easily file them in publisher files.

As you know, the mailing labels often have the account number on them,
so it's nice to have an easy to file paper insert.  The paper envelopes
I would use the paper cutter to cut down to 8 1/2 x 11.  About once or
twice a year, I would file a mailing label for each title in my
publisher files to ensure I had the most up-to-date account number.  Of
course we only had ~350 subscriptions/~100 publishers, so this was

Now days, with electronic journals, I don't use the print publisher
files as much.  I keep the account information in other places and

By the way, the Federal Register which does not come in a wrapper
arrives ripped up all the time!  I don't claim because we also subscribe
in microfiche.

Science and Nature come through fine most of the time without wrappers
with mailing labels intact.


barb dietsch | serials coordinator
epa library | unc contract staff
109 alexander drive | mail code c267-01
research triangle park, nc 27711
phone: 919.541.0726
fax: 919.541.1405

             "LUFF, Kirsty"
             ORDJOURNALS.ORG>                                        To
             Sent by:                 SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU
             "SERIALST:                                              cc
             Serials in
             Libraries                                          Subject
             Discussion               [SERIALST] Journals without
             Forum"                   wrappers?

             01/28/2008 11:50

              Please respond
                Serials in

***Apologies for cross posting***

Dear colleagues

Due to our own environmental concerns, and because some of our society
partners are requesting it, we're investigating the feasibility of
sending out some journals without wrappers. The cover of these journals
would instead contain a sticker with address information which could be
easily removed.

We understand that a number of journals, notably Nature and Science, are
already sent out this way in the US?

We would appreciate answers, on or off list, to the following questions:

1. Do you receive journals without wrappers?
2. If so, do they arrive damaged?
3. Do you/how often do you have to raise claims to the publisher for
damaged copies?

Many thanks in advance.


Kirsty Luff | Senior Communications & Marketing Manager
Oxford Journals | Oxford University Press
Great Clarendon Street | Oxford | OX2 6DP
+44 (0)1865 354206

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