Re: gift policy for serials
Kristina M. Edwards 18 Dec 2007 13:26 UTC
We get fair amount of serials gifts. We check to see if they should be
added to our collection or if any of the issues can fill in gaps in our
current collection. Anything left we try to give away through Backserv
(this is a great thing to be apart of). Anything that we can't get rid of
we pitch. How easily it gets taken on Backserv depends on the journal
title. I also offer art titles on ARLIS-L too. Hope this helps!
p.s. We find that alot of people just don't want to toss them themselves.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Liping Song" <lsong+@PITT.EDU>
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 3:39 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] gift policy for serials
> I'm very interested in knowing policies regarding accepting and handling
> serial donations from other institutions. I'd appreciate any information
> you might share with me. Thanks in advance!
> Liping
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Liping Song, MA, MTS, MLIS
> Electronic Resources Cataloging and Access Librarian
> Health Sciences Library System
> University of Pittsburgh
> Pittsburgh, PA 15261
> 412-648-3401