My question to H.W. Wilson about this title and their answer may be of
interest, both for the specific information and the larger issue of how
to handle changes in a publication's format. I forward this to SERIALST
with the Wilson rep's permission.
My question:
Highlights, the publisher of Teaching Pre-K-8, has ceased publishing the
magazine as of May 2007. However, they are continuing it as an e-mail
newsletter (see Are you
planning to index this e-newsletter, or will Teaching Pre-K-8 no longer
be indexed in Education Abstracts?
Response from H.W. Wilson:
Thank you for your feedback message about the journal "Teaching PreK-8."
Our Indexing Services Dept. advises that they have signed up for this
email newsletter so that they can get an idea of what the content is
like. Wilson has indexed this title since 1987 and would hate to lose
it. However, whether or not we continue with it depends partly on the
character of the new electronic version.
During the evaluation they will be looking at the scope of the subject
matter, its indexability, etc. Hopefully, they will arrive at a
decision fairly soon and we can make the new version available to you
and your patrons.
We appreciate hearing from you and promise to include the new email
newsletter version, if at all possible. Again, thank you for your
feedback message.
Bernie Seiler
Product Manager, WilsonWeb
Steve Black
Reference, Serials, and Instruction Librarian
Neil Hellman Library
The College of Saint Rose
392 Western Ave.
Albany, NY 12203
(518) 458-5494