Re: Comparsion and ranking of prestigious Education journals Joshua Barton 28 Nov 2007 14:19 UTC


You may find these free journal ranking sites of interest:

-to see their rankings of education journals, select education from among
the drop down list of subject categories and leave the journal name field
-mouse over 'ranking' and select 'common ranking', then select from among
the education categories in the drop down list of journals to be ranked. You
can use this feature without registering, but just about anything else you
may want to do on the site requires the creation of a profile.

I can't speak for the accuracy or quality of these tools since I know
nothing of the methodology behind the ranking system of either site, but
they may be a useful starting point.

Joshua Barton, MSI
Serials Cataloging Librarian
Michigan State University Libraries
East Lansing, MI

On Nov 28, 2007 2:25 AM, Rachel BenEliezer <> wrote:

> Good morning!
>  A lecturer at our college is interested in publishing an article in a
> peer reviewed high ranking journal in education/teaching.
> She asked me if there is a list comparing and ranking prestigious
> education journals. I did some preliminary searching and was only able to
> find articles on the theory and significance behind ranking, impact factors,
> citation analysis etc.... in science and economics.
> (I do not have access to Citation Indexes).
> I was wondering whether your collective wisdom could direct me to such a
> list.
> Thank you for your comments
> Rachel Ben-Eliezer
> Serials Librarian and Interlibrary Loan Services
> David Yellin College of Education Library
> POB 3578
> Jerusalem, ISRAEL
> Tel.: 02-6558180
> Fax.: 02-6521548
> E-Mail:<>