I can only second Ms. Gillespie's comments and add my support for the
inclusion of cataloging details when and if a publisher sends out
unsolicited e-journals.
Peter Picerno
Peter V. Picerno
Serials & Electronic Resources Librarian
Asst. Head of Resource Development
Green Library
Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33199
Ph: 305.348.6279
Bill Cohen wrote:
> E. Gaele Gillespie has provides an encyclopedic array of
> information pertaining to electronic sample copies of journals.
> Congratulations are in order for this elegant
> contribution.
> One librarian has also noted that serials /cataloging/ information
> would also be welcomed within a sample journal copy.
> Could readers comment on that final suggestion?
> With kind regards,
> /Bill/
> Bill Cohen, /Publisher /
> The Haworth Press
> [Taylor & Francis Group]
> www.HaworthPress.com
> Gillespie, E Gaele wrote:
>> In response to Bill Cohen, Haworth Press, asking what librarians think
>> of "electronic" sample copies:
>> I'm not speaking for all librarians, of course, but I and many of my
>> colleagues are not wild about receiving even more of what could be
>> considered junk or spam e-mail. Unsolicited "electronic" sample issues
>> would be as unwelcome as printed ones. We're getting increasing amounts
>> of electronic (email) advertisements for various publications, and while
>> I may forward one or two to certain subject specialists, I have found
>> over time that most advertisements have been mass-emailed, and so I
>> usually delete them. As for sample issues, it's increasingly common for
>> librarians and/or teaching faculty and students who are interested in a
>> journal to go out and "Google" the title (if they know it) or the
>> publisher's web site, and then get to the information they about a
>> journal need that way (and they do often forward information to us with
>> a request to order the journal). The most useful publisher's web sites
>> are the ones that have an A-Z browse by journal title in addition to a
>> list of journals by subject (especially large publishers with scores of
>> titles), and which contain information "about" the journal, the ISSN,
>> all available format and pricing options, whether a license (or "terms &
>> conditions of use") is required for online access (and then either cite
>> a link where the license/terms can be found or how a copy may be
>> obtained), and complete contact information (names, e-addresses and
>> phone numbers) in case more information is needed/wanted. The increasing
>> web presence of publishers' web sites which contain useful, complete,
>> **current** information about each journal they offer, is a boon for
>> anyone looking for information about journals. Offering to provide a
>> free "electronic" sample copy or a free printed sample copy only upon
>> request seems the enlighted way to operate.
>> E. Gaele Gillespie
>> Serials Librarian
>> Serials/Retrieval Services Dept.
>> University of Kansas Libraries
>> Watson Library
>> 1425 Jayhawk Blvd Rm 210 S
>> Lawrence, KS 66045-7544
>> Ph: 785-864-3051
>> Fax: 785-864-3855 (to my attention)
>> E-mail: ggillespie@ku.edu
>> -------------------------------
>> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
>> [mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Bill Cohen
>> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 11:33 AM
>> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Handling of Sample Issues
>> What do librarians think of "electronic" sample copies?
>> - Bill
>> Bill Cohen, /Publisher /
>> The Haworth Press
>> [Taylor & Francis Group]
>> www.HaworthPress.com