Re: Handling of Sample Issues Barbara Pope 15 Nov 2007 16:01 UTC

When we receive what looks like a sample issue, I check ebsconet just to
make sure the title is not a companion subscription to something else we
get.  I also check Worldcat to make sure it is not a title change.
After that, we keep an issue in a sample issue drawer in case we ever
want to subscribe and need to see a sample.  If we repeatedly get every
issue, I contact the publisher to find out if it is a gift or exchange
subscription.  We weed the sample issues occasionally when the drawer
gets full.  Speaking of which, we probably need to do that after the
semester is over.

Barbara Pope, MALS
Periodicals/Reference Librarian
Axe Librarian
Pittsburg State University
1701 S. Broadway
Pittsburg KS  66762

Pennington, Buddy D. wrote:
> When I started at UMKC, we had shelves and shelves of sample issues.  I
> took a look at them and when I found single issues from the 1980s I
> decided to weed the whole bunch.  Just about everything went into the
> recycle pile.
> Now, we use our "samples" collection only as a means to identify
> potential gift subscriptions, title changes, or new titles that are
> included with another subscription.
> When the checkin assistant can't find a title it goes on a shelf.  Once
> a week, I grab those and either create a "discard" checkin record (if
> the title does not look like it has much potential" or a "samples"
> checkin record.  We use Innovative and have templates set up so creating
> one of these records takes all of 30 seconds.  That way the checkin
> assistant then knows what to do with the next issue that arrives, if
> there is one. NOTE: we do not check any actual issues in.  The checkins
> are basically blank records with a note that says to either stick the
> issue in samples or on the recycle pile.
> Once per year, we scan the samples shelf to see what can be tossed
> (single issues, etc.).  When we get enough issues of a title that we
> feel comfortable that it is something we will continue to get, I then
> take it to the subject selector to determine if it is a title worth
> adding or if the samples checkin for that title needs to become a
> discard checking.
> Buddy Pennington
> Serial Acquisitions Librarian
> University of Missouri - Kansas City
> University Libraries
> 800 East 51st Street
> Kansas City, MO  64110
> 816-235-1548
> 816-333-5584 (fax)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
> [mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Ann E Miller
> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 8:20 AM
> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Handling of Sample Issues
> I would also be very interested in any responses as well.  We're
> struggling with the same "issue" over here at Duke.
> Ann
> **************************************************************
> Ann E. Miller
> Head, Electronic Resources & Serials Management
> Perkins Library
> Duke University                         "Changed  Priorities Ahead"
> Durham, NC  27708-0177                         Scottish Roadsign
> phone: 919.660.5855
> fax:919.668.3134
> "Janet L. Flowers" <jflowers@EMAIL.UNC.EDU>
> Sent by: "SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum"
> 11/14/2007 09:06 PM
> Please respond to
> "SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum"
> To
> cc
> Subject
> [SERIALST] Handling of Sample Issues
> Colleagues
> We are looking to simplify or eliminate the steps related to sample
> issues that arrive unsolicited in our department.  So, I would be
> very interested to know how other --especially large research--libraries
> handle this issue.
> Thank you in advance for your perspectives.
> Sincerely,
> Janet