We are a very specialized academic library. Our Serials staff sorts the
mail for the library. When a sample issue comes to our Serials
Technician, she checks the "Dump List" to see if a prior decision has
been made for discarding the title. If it has not been done before, she
hands the material to me (Serials Librarian). I determine if it
basically fits the curricula of the University or adds information for
our clubs on campus, I set up a folder with an OCLC printout, Ulrich's
indexing and cost information, website additional information, and any
reviews, That folder is circulated to our Serials Collection Development
Team and votes plus extra comments are registered on a voting sheet in
the folder. Once all the votes are collected, the folder is returned to
me and I act on the results (either order or add to the "Dump List"). On
occasion, we may hold the material for a discussion at our next full
meeting, if there is controversy. There are six members on the Team. The
"Dump List" keeps us from revisiting particular titles that appear to
come free. Having a procedure that is short, seems to rectify many
Tinker Massey
Serials Librarian
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Daytona Beach, FL