2nd call: Research study about LIS education & e-resource librarianship Grogg, Jill 16 Oct 2007 20:07 UTC

Apologies for cross posting.

If you regularly work with the management and acquisition of electronic
resources as part of your job and you haven't already taken this survey,
please take a few moments to do so:


The purpose of this survey is to determine how librarians with
electronic resources duties acquired the training and skills necessary
to perform their jobs, how their work time is divided among tasks, and
to assess how well library and information science programs (LIS) are
preparing students to assume positions as librarians with electronic
resources duties.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of the

Jill E. Grogg, Electronic Resources Librarian, The University of Alabama
[email] jgrogg@ua.edu

Jeff Weddle, Assistant Professor, School of Library and Information
Studies, The University of Alabama
[email] jweddle@slis.ua.edu

Rachel Fleming-May, Doctoral Candidate, College of Communications &
Information Sciences, The University of Alabama
[email] rfmay@bama.ua.edu

Jill E. Grogg, Electronic Resources Librarian, The University of Alabama
[email] jgrogg@ua.edu
[voice] 205-348-7994
[url] http://www.wedogg.com