Re: please help - brief question
Deberah England 16 Oct 2007 12:33 UTC
I attended Kent State University and had a Serials Management course at the Ohio State University branch with Carol Pitts Diedrichs, who was at OSU at the time, Trisha Davis, and Eve Davis of EBSCO. The focus was solidly on the acquisition end of serials. I could be wrong but I think the last time the course was offered was about a decade ago.
I would suggest contacting your local library school, KSU-SLIS Columbus, and request a course be offered. My guess is there would be interest in a serials course, particularly if electronic resources librarianship was included. If there's demand, the powers that be may put something together.
Deberah England
Electronic Resources Librarian
Wright State University Libraries
3640 Col. Glenn Hwy.
Dayton, OH 45435-0001
Phone: (937) 775-2224
Fax: (937) 775-2481
"The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us."
Marigold IceUnity's 2005/06 motto from original text by Audre Lorde (1934-1992)
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum on behalf of Blackwell, Lisa
Sent: Mon 10/15/2007 8:36 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] please help - brief question
I would be grateful if as many people as possible would answer a short
question. If you have attended Library School, did you ever have the
opportunity to take a course devoted to serials librarianship?
Furthermore, did your program offer such courses even if you did not
elect to take them? Please email me directly off list and include the
name of your Library School. I will be happy to post a summary of
responses if there are enough to warrant interest.
Thank you!
Lisa S. Blackwell, MLS
Serials/Research Librarian
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Medical Library ED244
700 Children's Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43205
ph: (614) 722-3206
fax: (614) 722-3205