Re: Electronic Resour ces & Libraries 2008 – Reg istra tion Open Rick C. Mason 12 Oct 2007 16:43 UTC

>From their website, it appears that the call for presentations is open through the end of this month:

They don't have any sessions listed yet, but they do list their track descriptions:

They have direct contact e-mails listed at the bottom of their announcement (at the bottom of this post, as well) for additional questions.

Hope this helps!

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Karen Tschanz
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Electronic Resources & Librar ies 2008 – Reg istration Open

Hi, Elizabeth:

Is there a conference agenda, so that we can determine what we are registering for? Has there been a call for presentations yet? Thanks! kst

>>> Elizabeth Winter <elizabeth.winter@LIBRARY.GATECH.EDU> 10/12/2007
>>> 9:45 AM >>>
Electronic Resources & Libraries 2008
March 19-21, 2008
Pre-Conferences March 18, 2008
Global Learning Center, Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA

Registration is now open for Electronic Resources & Libraries 2008:

Early-bird rates are in effect for registrations by January 10th, 2008:
       Professional: $215
       Student: $105
       Paraprofessional/Support Staff: $165

Rates after January 10th, 2008 are as follows:
       Professional: $275
       Student: $135
       Paraprofessional/Support Staff: $195

More registration information is available at:

ER&L '08 conference details are online at:

Questions: Please direct questions about the conference to Bonnie Tijerina ( or Elizabeth Winter ( Please direct questions related to pre-conferences to Xan Arch (

Elizabeth L. Winter
Electronic Resources Coordinator
Collection Acquisitions & Management
Library and Information Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
phone: 404.385.0593
fax: 404.894.1723