Re: New journal announcement Blackwell, Lisa 17 Oct 2007 13:53 UTC

Apologies for cross-posting...
I know it's not Friday yet but this has to be shared.
We just received a sample issue (v.1no.1) of a new publication called
"Child Development Perspectives." The publisher also publishes 2 sister
publications that we subscribe to as core collection titles. I kid you
not, this issue is 1/8in in width (63 pages.) It is going to be
published biannually. The price? $543 (with "premium online subscription
rates available including online access from present back to 1997 where
available") I almost fell out of my chair laughing...

Lisa S. Blackwell, MLS
Serials/Research Librarian
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Medical Library ED244
700 Children's Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43205
ph: (614) 722-3206
fax: (614) 722-3205