Cataloging question: multiple titles/frequencies Trina Pundurs 01 Oct 2007 16:15 UTC

Dear Serialsters,

I sent the following message to Autocat last week, but received only one
suggestion in response, that the poster indicated "may stretch the rules a
tad."  I'd like to know what my non-rule-stretching options are, so I'm
hoping someone here can help me out.


I have before me the following regarding the Marin Municipal Water District:

Title: Quarterly financial report
     3 issues, covering Jan.-Sept. 1961

Title: Monthly financial statement
     many issues, beginning Jan. 1961
     * starting with July 1963, every third issue is missing

Title: Quarterly financial statement
     many issues, beginning July/Sept. 1963

Yes, that missing every third issue from the "Monthly" has a corresponding
"Quarterly".  I'd really like to treat the two "financial statement"s as a
single title, but for two problems: 1) I'm not sure whether that's
allowed, or if so, how I would describe it; and 2) in addition to the
above, I also have the following:

Title: Financial statement
     Annual; have 4 issues covering 1961-63 and 1967
     This is an auditor's report (the 1967 issue even has a cover title
"Auditors report") but appears to be issued by the District itself

So: if I treat the "Monthly financial statement" and "Quarterly financial
statement" as separate titles, how do I describe the frequency of the
monthly and the relationship of the 2 to each other?  If I treat them as a
single title, how do I describe it, and distinguish it from the auditor's
report?  And just how does that early "Quarterly financial report" relate?

I've been scratching my head over CCM all yesterday afternoon and this
morning and not getting anywhere.  Any guidance anyone can offer is
greatly appreciated.


Trina Pundurs
Water Resources Center Archives, Univ. of California