Re: Curriculum for a course on Electronic Resources or ER Librarianship? KING, LYNNE 03 Aug 2007 19:00 UTC

FYI for those who might be interested - I teach a Serials Management class in the Librayr & Information Services program at Highline Community College in Washington State
This is a certificate or AAS program, and fills a need for trained serials people outside of an MLIS program.
It is available on-line - check it out.

Lynne King
Serials Manager/Instructor
Highline Community College Library


From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum on behalf of Sarah D. Tusa
Sent: Fri 8/3/2007 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Curriculum for a course on Electronic Resources or ER Librarianship?

I think a lot of us learned serials management -- both print and
electronic - by trial and error!  Maybe I'm wrong.

Sarah Tusa, Associate Professor
Coordinator of Coll. Dev. & Acquisitions
Mary & John Gray Library
Lamar University

-----Original Message-----

I only lurk on this list, but I'll have to tell all of you, a course in
electronic resources librarianship would have been very helpful for me
(I think)--this is my first position, about a year and a half into it
and I pretty much went in blindly.  I enjoy it, but I do feel a lot of
my education has been by trial & error!

Beth M. Johns, MLIS
Electronic Resources Librarian
Direct: 1-989-964-2158
Saginaw Valley State University