Discontinued Hard-Copy Versions of Serials Stephen M. Dingler 24 Jul 2007 17:34 UTC

We are seeing more notices such as the following (particularly from
government agencies):

"...the fourth quarter 2006...report will be the final hard-copy version
of the report the...office will mail.  Beginning with the first quarter
2007 report, we will publish the reports online only...Printed copies of
the reports will be available on request."

My understanding of something being published is that it is made
available for distribution, but I am not sure whether something
available on request means that it is still published.  In the above
example, a copy made available may be printed from the online version.

I cannot decide whether to treat a print serial such as the above
example as having ceased publication, in which case the bibliographic
record would be closed up and a new record created for the online
version, or to treat it as an inactive title.  Any thoughts or advice on
this would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Stephen Dingler
Electronic Resources/Serials Cataloger
University of Texas at San Antonio Library