Re: Disposal of microfilm Kitti Canepi 14 Jun 2007 22:18 UTC

Our University Recycling Dept. verified that they could recycle
vesicular microfilm, as long as it was pre-separated from the reels.


Kitti Canepi
Head, Information Resources Management
Morris Library, Mailcode 6632
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Carbondale, IL  62901-6632
Voice: 618-453-1174
Fax: 618-453-3452

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Dalene Hawthorne
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Disposal of microfilm

We did have some silver film that we were able to send to a recycling
company.  The price of silver was low enough that we didn't get any
money for it, but we were happy that it was recycled.  We haven't
recently disposed of any non-silver film, but are considering it so I'm
also interested in what others are doing.


Dalene Hawthorne
Assistant Professor
Head of Systems and Technical Services
Emporia State University Libraries and Archives

>>> Linda Harding <lindah@ELMHURST.EDU> 6/13/2007 9:11 AM >>>

I am interested in knowing how other libraries are disposing of

We have offered our film free of charge through various list serves but
had no takers.  Now it is time to think about disposing of it.

Our facilities management personnel (after conservation with the firm
disposes of the campus' hazardous waste) seem to think that it is not
actually considered hazardous waste.  This firm charges on the "per
basis and it would probably cost us dearly to get rid of it in that

What are some of the rest of you doing with your microfilm, other than
giving it away?

Thanks for your input.

Linda Harding
Periodicals Assistant
Elmhurst College Library
190 Prospect Ave.
Elmhurst, IL 60126