Re: question regarding journal Current Psychology Steven C Shadle 14 Jun 2007 15:58 UTC

Bobby -- Generally, to confirm the *correct* ISSN for a serial published in the US (and not necessarily what the publisher uses, but what was assigned by the US ISSN Center), you can consult OCLC.  The US ISSN Center records 99.99% of their assignments in OCLC.  In the OCLC record, you can verify the fact that the US ISSN Center input the ISSN by the fact that 'nsdp' will appear in the 042 field.

In this case, it appears the US ISSN Center made the following assignments:

ISSN 1046-1310 (OCLC #18767012) - Current psychology
ISSN 0737-8262 (OCLC #9460062) - Current psychological research & reviews

And it not uncommon for the publisher of the journal to print an incorrect ISSN.  Publishers don't necessarily know they need to apply for a new ISSN when their serial title changes, some publishers think ISSN is like ISBN (one for every issue), some publishers think the ISSN is a publisher identifier (and use the same one on all their serials), etc.

Because I previously worked at the US ISSN Center, I can also tell you (from looking at the OCLC record) that a letter was sent to the publisher (at some point) informing them that they were printing an inccorect ISSN and informing them of the new ISSN.  Please feel free to contact the publisher with this information and if they have any questions, they can contact the US ISSN Center at

Steve Shadle/Serials Access Librarian  *****
University of Washington Libraries      ***     Phone: (206) 685-3983
Seattle, WA 98195-2900                   *        Fax: (206) 543-0854

On Thu, 14 Jun 2007, Bobby Reeves wrote:

> We've been trying to sort out a problem regarding the issn for Current
> Psychology.  I was hoping that someone on the list might have some
> experience with the title and be able to set me straight...
> According to Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Current Psychology
> (1046-1310), was formerly (until 1988) Current Psychological Research and
> Reviews (0737-8262).  The information in the SFX Knowledgebase matches
> these details.  The problem is that Transaction Publishers (who publish
> the journal), Ebsco, Ovid, Gale, etc. seem to think that the issn for
> Current Psychology is 0737-8262 and I can't tell who is wrong.  Now, far
> be it from me to claim that the publisher of the journal, let alone the
> other venerable businesses listed above are incorrect, but, if someone who
> has both a copy of Current Psychology and Current Psychological Research
> and Reviews in print and on hand could confirm the correct issns for each,
> I would be very grateful.
> Bobby
> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
> Robert K. Reeves
> E-Resources Specialist
> American University Library
> Washington, DC  20016
> phone: 202.885.3167
> email: