Collecting for Institution Repositories : ALCST CMDS CDER program at ALA annual
John McDonald 11 Jun 2007 22:47 UTC
Please excuse duplicate postings and forward this to interested colleagues.
You are cordially invited to a panel discussion sponsored by ALCTS CMDS Collection Development and Electronic Resources committee at ALA Annual in Washington, DC.
Title: Collecting for Institutional Repositories: All the news that's fit to keep
Time: Sunday, June 24, 2007, 10:30-Noon
Location: Renaissance, Ballroom East
So you have an institutional repository (IR)? Chances are your administration is excited; the publicity, marketing and development opportunities are apparent. But what should be deposited in an IR? Who should be soliciting and submitting items? How will you address issues of copyright? At this panel presentation discussion, you will hear from colleagues who have successfully tackled these issues as they develop and evolve their collection policies and procedures for IR management.
▪ Joseph J. Branin, Director, The Ohio State University Libraries
▪ Susan Gibbons, Associate Dean for Public Services & Collection Development, River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester
▪ Jim Ottaviani, Coordinator, Deep Blue, University of Michigan Library
▪ George Porter, Engineering Librarian, California Institute of Technology
Co-sponsored by ACRL, Education & Behavioral Science Section, E-resources in Communication Studies.