Re: tools/resources for keeping up-to-date in serials work Magali Nayet 07 Jun 2007 13:25 UTC

As am I.

>>> Marilyn Carney<mmcarney@WAKETECH.EDU> 2007-06-07 09:01 >>>
I am also interested in the results of your inquiry.


Marilyn Carney
Serials Librarian

Wake Technical Community College
9101 Fayetteville Road
Raleigh, NC 27603

Email :

Phone: (919) 212-3836
FAX: (919) 250-4329

>>> ann.ercelawn@VANDERBILT.EDU 6/5/07 5:15 pm >>>
Greetings, serialists,

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by the number of resources "out
there" that I'd like to use to help me keep up. So I'm asking for
your help.
Could you please answer a few short questions about tools that you
use in your serials worklife to help you stay current. They needn't
be directly serials related, but should be professionally relevant.
Also no need to list every single resource that you use-- just the
essential ones that you couldn't live without.
Please respond directly to me:, not to
the list.
I'll summarize for the list. Thanks in advance!

1) What are the websites that you find most useful?

2) What listservs do you find indispensable?

3) What are the most important formal publications (in print or
online) that you read on a regular basis?

4) What are the top 5-8 blogs that you read?

5) Are there podcasts that you listen to on a regular basis?

6) What other resources do you consult or recommend?


Ann Ercelawn
Vanderbilt University Library
fax: 615-343-1292