Requesting feedback on calendar year renewals Carmel Yurochko 28 Jun 2007 16:36 UTC

**Please excuse any cross-posting.**

Hello to all,

In April of this year we began experiencing problems with our Accounts
Payable Department when submitting our subscription invoices for payment.
Recently we were informed that Accounts Payable is making permanent changes
to their accounting practices, therefore, any subscriptions that do NOT run
on a fiscal year basis (July 1st through June 30th) will not be paid in
full.  The payment will now be split between two fiscal years.

For example our EBSCO renewal invoice runs on a calendar year (Jan-Dec
2008).  Accounts Payable will pay Jan-Jun 2008 from our 2007/08 fiscal year
and Jul-Dec from our 2008/09 fiscal year.

We are not sure that our SIRSI system has an option for splitting these
costs line by line. We do not make a "one line payment" for our EBSCO
renewal invoice, but instead, divide the payments by departmental support
(ex. Biology, English) for accreditation purposes.

Would you please let me know if your Accounts Payable Department pays your
subscriptions in this manner? If they do, does your ILS accommodate for
this? If not how do you keep this all straight?

Thanks in advance for your feedback on this matter.

            Carmel Yurochko


Carmel Yurochko

Serials/E.R. Librarian

Psychology Dept. Liaison

Duquesne University

Gumberg Library

Pittsburgh, PA 15282


Saint Therese, the Little Flower, once wrote, "I am simply content to find
myself always imperfect."