RE : [SERIALST] how do you provide access to onlin e resources requiring password?
Kumiko Vezina 15 Jun 2007 18:03 UTC
Hello Evalyn,
We have created what we call "pass-through" web pages. The link on our Library's website to the journal or database that need a username/password sends the user to a "pass-through" web page that asks for authentification via our proxy. To do so, we have configured our proxy server to always ask the user to authentify with the Library PIN number for these specific"pass-through" web pages, whether they are on-campus or off-campus.
Once the user has authentified, they will find the username and password on the "pass-through" web pages as well as a link towards the database or the journal's home page (or search page).
If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Ms. Kumiko Vezina
Electronic Resources Coordinator
Collection Services
Concordia University Libraries
1455, de Maisonneuve Blvd West
Montreal (Quebec) Canada H3G 1M8
Tel (514) 848-2424 ext.7844
Fax (514) 848-2898
De: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum de la part de Stone, Evalyn
Date: ven. 15-juin-07 12:32
Objet : [SERIALST] how do you provide access to online resources requiring password?
I need your collective wisdom. We have some online journals (TLS, Art newspaper) that provide access to their online archives only by password. We don't have a way (or don't know of a way) to put the passwords into our catalog, so we've resorted to having the password at the reference desk. This process forces patrons to ask for the password, making the resource harder to use.
Does anyone have a better suggestion?
Evalyn Stone
Evalyn Stone
Serials Librarian, Thomas J. Watson Library
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1000 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10028-0198
tel: 212/ 650-2446 fax: 212/ 570-3847