Re: how do you provide access to online resources requiring password? Susan Kellett Gue 15 Jun 2007 16:36 UTC

Our IT guys have a way to script in a password that the user can't see,
but I have no earthly idea how they do it.  Maybe you can chat with your
IT folks and see if they could do something like that?


Susan Kellett Gue
Sr. Library Specialist
Robert W. Woodruff Library
Emory University
404-727-0408 (Fax)

Stone, Evalyn wrote:

>I need your collective wisdom.  We have some online journals (TLS, Art newspaper) that provide access to their online archives only by password.  We don't have a way (or don't know of a way) to put the passwords into our catalog, so we've resorted to having the password at the reference desk.  This process  forces patrons to ask for the password, making the resource harder to use.
>Does anyone have a better suggestion?
>Evalyn Stone
>Evalyn Stone
>Serials Librarian, Thomas J. Watson Library
>The Metropolitan Museum of Art
>1000 Fifth Avenue
>New York, NY 10028-0198
>tel: 212/ 650-2446      fax: 212/ 570-3847