[Fwd: Request for ALA program announcement on SERIALST] Stephen Clark 18 May 2007 17:56 UTC

If you are attending ALA Annual 2007 in Washington DC then please
reserve this date:

Sunday June 24, 2007
10:30am - 12:00pm
Location TBA

Serials Standards Update Forum

Presented by the ALA /Association for Library Collections & Technical
Services (ALCTS), Serials Standards Committee

With generous sponsored support from Swets Information Services

The Serials Standards Update Forum is an annual presentation covering
current serials standards and the status of standards development in key
areas of library and publisher related work.  The forum's focus is on
standards that affect library serials management.  This year we invite
you to hear about the latest progress on three National Information
Standards Organization (NISO) initiatives that are of particular
interest to online serial formats:

1. Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) - Oliver

2. License Expression Working Group - Nathan Robertson

3. Shared Resource Understanding (SERU) - Karla Hahn & Judy Luther

Doug Kiker
Assistant Librarian for E-Resources
Smathers Libraries / University of Florida
Ph: 352-392-0355