[Please excuse cross-posting]
The ALCTS/CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group will present the following
program at the ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., on Saturday June
23, 2007, 1:30pm-3:30pm, Capital Hilton, Federal A:
Designing Workflows that Meet Local Needs: Two Case Studies
Jackie Shieh, Senior Associate Librarian, Data Loads & Development, Harlan
Hatcher Graduate Library, University of Michigan
In 1994-1999, the University of Virginia created TEI-header metadata for its
Electronic Text Center collection, and then converted into SIRSI MARC ASCII
to load to its online system. An original cataloger and a paraprofessional
were responsible for all electronic resources cataloging, including Web
sites, diskettes, discs, etc. The creation of TEI header metadata was part
of their overall responsibilities.
University of Michigan, on the other hand, makes use of all existing MARC
records by converting them to various project-based metadata formats for its
digital library projects, e.g., BibClass, Dublin Core, DC for OAI-PMH, MODS,
etc. A cataloger is in charge of the operation of providing MARC to non-MARC
data, who is also responsible of ensuring quality for non-MARC metadata MARC
for local online system. The same cataloger is the person who communicates
to System Administrator of specific Perl module needs regarding record
Integrating Non-MARC Metadata into the Workflow of a Traditional Technical
Services Department: Perspectives from Librarians at the University of
Tennessee Technical Services and Digital Access Team
Melanie Feltner-Reichert, Metadata Librarian and Assistant Professor,
University of Tennessee Hodges Library Marielle Veve, Catalog Librarian and
Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee Hodges Library
What are the challenges and rewards of integrating non-MARC metadata
production into a technical services department? Melanie Feltner-Reichert
and Marielle Veve will explore their recent experience of adding the
creation of Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) records to the
traditional duties of technical services librarians and support staff at the
University of Tennessee Hodges Library. The presenters will share their
local process of integration, lessons learned from the early stages of
implementation, and the surprising modifications to workflow that emerged
out of practice.
Building Library 1.1
Charley Pennell, Principal Cataloger for Metadata, Metadata and Cataloging,
North Carolina State University Kristin Antelman, Associate Director for the
Digital Library, North Carolina State University
Libraries operate within a culture that posits collaborating towards a
common good, through resource sharing, cooperative development of standards,
and the building of common work tools. The semantic Web, and the recent
rapprochement between RDA and DCMI, have the potential to advance our
contribution to the common good in ways that have never been possible
before, yet there are still economic, legal, technical and cultural hurdles
that are likely to conspire to keep libraries working within institutional
silos. This talk will look at how the NCSU Libraries is trying to work
toward a more open catalog platform by creating a web services layer to
support features such as RSS and by integrating structured data from outside
of the ILS, starting with classification and geographical hierarchies, and
potentially extending to chronological hierarchies, FRBR "work-level"
records, and academic discipline-related vocabularies. These efforts point
to the need for access to additional data that is outside the local machine
environment. We look at some of these data sources and assess the obstacles
that will have to be overcome before library catalogs, and librarians, will
be able to fully join the broader Web 2.0 discovery environment.
Jennifer Lang, MSLS
Electronic Resources Cataloger
Princeton University Library
One Washington Road
Princeton NJ 08544-2098
AIM: jenniferwlang