Re: Software tools and technologies used by Serialists Cecelia Sullivan 01 Jun 2007 00:00 UTC

We collect magazines centrally for all of our public library branches.
Magazines tend to not show up for some branches, while delivery is continued
for others. With this in mind, when we receive one issue, we check to see if
all other branches have received the issue as well. If not, we make a note
in a custom Microsoft Access database containing all our subscription data
from EBSCO. This makes it easy to quickly find the subscriptions/titles we
have and also acts as a repository for special notes common to all
subscriptions of a title.

The database is integrated with our Serials module with macros in Macro
Express. It makes it a little easier to get the functionality that we need
while still using mainstream software.

When I'm not sure of a numbering, I check for other
branches that might have the title and perhaps a longer history for it, or
to check for consensus on a volume/issue number discrepancy.


-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of William Shakalis
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 10:39 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Software tools and technologies used by Serialists

Software tools and technologies for Serialists

I'd like to ask the Serialists out there what software tools, skill sets,
and technologies  they use in their work, other than the usual vendor
supplied packages (EBSCO EJS, SFX, etc).
Software tools can be Microsoft Office Suite, database software (Oracle),

William Shakalis, MLS
Serials/Government Documents Librarian
Ruth A. Haas Library
Western Connecticut State University
(203) 837-3252