Re: How does anyone out there deal with password authenticated online content? Hutchens, Chad 29 May 2007 17:23 UTC

We have the same de-facto policy.  If the publisher or provider does not
offer IP authentication, we don't activate the title electronically.
Also, if it's an e-only title or resource without IP authentication, we
generally will not purchase or subscribe to it.

Policing usernames/passwds is really not possible.  Once someone has
them they can distribute them however they want, regardless of how they
got them in the first place (e.g. via a password protected library
resource).  The only way to make something like that work would be to
update passwords at regular intervals.  However, that solution simply
doesn't scale when you start getting up there in subscription numbers.

Chad E. Hutchens
Electronic Resources Librarian
Montana State University Libraries
P.O. Box 173320
Bozeman, MT  59717-3320
(406) 994-4313 phone
(406) 994-2851 fax

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] How does anyone out there deal with password
authenticated online content?

Our policy is to not add anything to our holdings that requires password
authentication. If it does not have IP authentication, it causes more
trouble than it is worth. Exceptions are very few and far between.
Michael LampleySerials LibrarianTexas Christian UniversityFort Worth---
On Tue 05/29, Martha Coleman < mcoleman@UAFORTSMITH.EDU >
wrote:From: Martha Coleman [mailto: mcoleman@UAFORTSMITH.EDU]To:
SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDUDate: Tue, 29 May 2007 09:40:47 -0500Subject: Re:
[SERIALST] How does anyone out there deal with password authenticated
online content?Hi Irma,If there is a better way to do this I would love
to hear about it. I created a page (we use TWiki content management) on
one of our intrAnets with an A-Z list of the journals that require
username/password login. That intranet requires a user to login. Our
page in the intranet was set up with specific rules to allow all users
associated with the university to be able to log in. The campus
webmaster set up these
rules so it seems like magic to me. It isn't as slick as IP recognition
but it beats "contacting the library for the login info" and allows 24/7
access.This wasn't something that I just knew how to do. I called the IT
folks and explained what I needed and this was their solution.The marc
record requires two 856 fields. One goes to the "lookup" page in the
intranet with instructions to write down the information and return to
the catalog; the other goes to the publisher's web site login
page.MarthaIrma Nicola wrote:>Hi Gang,>>We are on the verge of
SSO or single sign on and very excited about>this. But I am still
ever curious as to how others treat password>authenticated online
>>------------------------------------>Azusa Pacific
University>Irma H. Nicola>Serials
Coordinator>>Darling Library Technical
Services>PO Box 7000>Azusa, California 91702-7000>tel:
626-815-6000 ext.
l Message----->From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion
Forum>[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of SERIALST automatic
digest>system>Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 8:00 PM>To:
SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU>Subject: SERIALST Digest - 23 May 2007 to 24
May 2007 (#2007-108)>>There are 6 messages totalling 264 lines in
this issue.>>Topics of the day:>> 1. CONSER standard record
(2)> 2. replacement value> 3. FW: question about journal title:
European educational researcher> 4. CONSER Standard Record> 5. Did
someone loose bound volume International Studio
------------>>Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 17:10:43 -0400>From: Hank
Young >Subject: Re: CONSER standard record>>The University of
Florida will begin on the 1st of next month.>>Of course, the only
thing we
*have* to change is the coding of the 362>field. Other than this
doing what we have already done meets or exceeds>the new
standard.>>Hank Young>Cataloger>University of
Florida>>-----Original Message----->From: SERIALST: Serials in
Libraries Discussion Forum>[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf
Of Biserka Mrzljak>Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 4:58 PM>To:
record>>Is there any library that is already cataloguing according
to CONSER >standard record principle?>>Thanks>>Biserka
Mrzljak>Knowledge Management Librarian>Library Technical Services
University of Western Ontario>London, Ontario Canda N6A
3K7>519-661-2111 ext.
80956>>------------------------------>>Date: Wed, 23 May
2007 17:47:57 -0500>From: Anne Giffey >Subject: replacement
value>>A patron has lost our circulating copy of the poetry
magazine "Sonnet >Sequences" !
we had bound and circulating as a monograph (years >1955-1958). I am
in search of a replacement price, not necessarily a >replacement. I
have searched Absolute Backorder, to no avail. Does >anyone have an
idea of where to find serial replacement values, >especially for
older volumes?>>Thank you.>>-- >Anne Giffey,
309-341-7483>>Assistant Librarian - Public
Services>Seymour Library, Knox
College>>------------------------------>>Date: Thu, 24 May
2007 05:34:51 -0700>From: Steven C Shadle >Subject: Re: CONSER
standard record>>> Is there any library that is already
cataloguing according to CONSER>> standard record
principle?>>My understanding is that the National Library of
Medicine (NLM) and the>National Agricultural Library (NAL) have
already implemented on a test>basis.>>Steve Shadle/Serials
Access Librarian *****>University of
Washington Libraries
*** Phone: (206) 685-3983>Seattle, WA 98195-2900 * Fax: (206)
543-0854>>------------------------------>>Date: Thu, 24 May
2007 09:56:53 -0400>From: "Kemp, Rebecca" >Subject: FW: question
about journal title: European educational>researcher>>FYI, to
anyone who is looking for citations from the title
European>educational researcher (OCLC# 51004090). Per Roger
Osborn-King at>Symposium Journals, it is no longer available online
(there are broken>links in the OCLC record and
Ulrich's.)>>--Rebecca>>Rebecca Kemp>Serials Supervisor
Librarian>W.M. Randall Library>University of North Carolina
Wilmington>601 S. College Rd.>Wilmington, NC 28403>Phone:
(910)962-7220>Fax: (910)962-3078>> >-----
Original Message ----- >-----Original Message----->From: Roger
Osborn-King []>Sent: Thursday, May
24, 2007 3:55 AM>To: Kemp, Rebecca>Subject: Re: question
about journal title: European educational>researcher>>Hi, I
have a question for you: I have found a record in WorldCat,
a>bibliographic database, that identifies the journal title
_European>educational researcher_ as having been published from Vol.
5, no. 1>(Sept. 1999)-v. 6, no. 3 (Dec. 2000). Its URL was listed
as> This URL no longer works,
and>I cannot find any web presence for this journal. Is this journal
still>available somewhere on the web? We have a patron who would like
an>article from it, and we are at a loss as to how to find
it.>>I understand that the title of this journal changed to
European>Educational Research Journal, but there are no backfiles for
this>journal online from before
lo Rebecca>>'European Educational Researcher' was
once published irregularly by the>European Educational Research
Association (EERA), when it was more of a>newsletter with occasional
articles than anything resembling a journal.>It>had already
effectively ceased when in 2002 we started EERA's
official>online-only journal, the EUROPEAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH
JOURNAL>(, as from Volume 1 Number
1.>>It was never clear to me why 'European Educational Researcher'
existed,>or>who read it, or even how anyone got hold of it. It's
not as if it was a>normal society publication sent to members, and
perhaps also sold>commercially, since neither really happened. EERA
has only 17 members ->being the national educational research
societies of the major European>countries; its annual conference
draws about 1500 attendees and it is>those - plus library subscribers
- who get access to the new journal.>>Anyway, to answer your
question: to the best of my knowledge,
all>physical>copies (the URL you mention will almost certainly
have provided>information>not content) vanished some long while
ago.>>Perhaps the authors could help you?>>Section des
sciences de l'education>University of Geneva>40 Boulevard Pont
d'Arve>CH-1211 GENEVA
4>Switzerland>>bernard.schneuwly@ps>>Good luck! Best wishes -
]]]]]]]]]]]]>SYMPOSIUM JOURNALS - Roger Osborn-King ->PO Box 204,
Didcot, Oxford OX11 9ZQ, United Kingdom>
Tel: +44 (0)1235 817 956>Fax: +44 (0)1235 817 275 Skype:
roger.osborn.king>Check out for the
contents>of our journals, with abstracts and full texts of all
articles,>instructions for contributors, together with
complete>editorial, bibliographical and subscription
information.>>A division of wwwords Ltd ->>------------------------------>>Date:
Thu, 24 May 2007 11:15:52 -0400>From: Eleanor Cook >Subject: Re:
CONSER Standard Record>>I would also like to know the answer to
this - AND>If it be great if CONSER catalogers who have been working
on the>development of this would summarize both concerns and benefits
they see>with the CONSER Standard record. A number of us who work in
non-CONSER>institutions have been awaiting the Standard Record and
were>disappointed when it was delayed.>Thanks,>Eleanor Cook>
>>-- >>>Eleanor I. Cook>Serials Coordinator &
Professor>Belk Library, ASU Box 32026>Appalachian State
University>Boone, NC 28608-2026>828-262-2786>828-262-2773
--------------------------------->>Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 16:58:11
-0400>From: Biserka Mrzljak >Subject: CONSER standard
there any library that is already cataloguing according to CONSER
>standard record principle?>>Thanks>>Biserka
Mrzljak>Knowledge Management Librarian>Library Technical Services
University of Western Ontario>London, Ontario Canda N6A
3K7>519-661-2111 ext.
80956>>------------------------------>>Date: Thu, 24 May
2007 11:51:13 -0500>From: "Coffey, Sue" >Subject: Did someone
loose bound volume International Studio 1929??>>MY ILL department
received v. 93 1929 of International Studio from a>library in
California. It has our original property stamp on it. We>disposed of
this title years ago. If this is your volume please email>me and I
will send the volume to
Coffey>>Serials Librarian>>Moffett Library>>Midwestern
State University>>3410 Taft>>Wichita Falls, TX
of SERIALST Digest - 23 May 2007 to 24 May 2007
ColemanReference/Serials LibrarianU A Fort Smith - Boreham Library5210
Grand Avenue PO Box 3649Fort Smith, AR 72913479-788-7208 FAX

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