Re: New Republic Zens, Lois A 24 Apr 2007 16:54 UTC

Ours are the same.

Lois Zens
Library Tech. - Serials
Devereaux Library
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 E. Saint Joseph St.
Rapid City, SD  57701-3995
(605) 394-2418

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Bennett, Karla
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] New Republic

This is the way our magazines have been received in our system:

    1.  v.236:no.14 (2007:Apr 23)                 Main Run         1
1    0
    2.  v.236:no.13 (2007:Apr 2)                  Main Run         1
1    0
    3.  v.236:no.12 (2007:Mar 19)                 Main Run         1
1    0
    4.  v.236:no.10/11 (2007:Mar 5/12)            Main Run         1
1    0
    5.  v.236:no.8/9 (2007:Feb 19/26)             Main Run         1
1    0
    6.  v.236:no.7 (2007:Feb 12)                  Main Run         1
1    0
    7.  v.236:no.6 (2007:Feb 5)                   Main Run         1
1    0
    8.  v.236:no.5 (2007:Jan 29)                  Main Run         1
1    0
    9.  v.236:no.4 (2007:Jan 22)                  Main Run         1
1    0
   10.  v.236:no.1/3 (2007:Jan 1/15)

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU]On Behalf Of Lynne Weaver
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 1:31 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] New Republic

The folks at TNR, as they like to call it, have changed their
publication pattern mid-volume.  The new pattern is a bit confusing:
it's every two weeks except when it's three, and the exception dates as
listed in the masthead are not helpful.  A printer error has made things

Fortunately, Jason, in their subscriber services office, was VERY
helpful.  Here are dates and issue numbers for 2007:

January 1 (no.1), 8 (no.2), 15 (no.3), 22 (no.4), 29 (no.5)

February 5 (no.6), 12 (no.7), 19-26 (no.8-9)

March 5-12 (no.10-11), 19 (no.12)

April 2 (no.13), 23 (no.14, not "12" as printed).

>From here on, the numbering should pick up with no.15 for the May 7
issue and continue on the following dates:

May 7, 21

June 4, 18

July 2, 23

August 6, 27

September 10, 24

October 8, 22

November 5, 19

December 10, 31

Thanks, Jason!

Lynne N. Weaver

Serials Coordinator

Lipscomb Library

Randolph-Macon Woman's College

2500 Rivermont Avenue

Lynchburg, VA  24503

434 947-8396

434 947-8134 Fax