Re: Sports Illustrated policy Brenda L Battleson 07 Mar 2007 19:46 UTC

Regarding the "special issue" of Sports Illustrated, I don't think any
library should have to ask for replacement or public donation to acquire
whay SI refuses to send. When we subscribe to a periodical, we PRE-PAY for
all issues published in a given year unless otherwise stated in the
subscription. We are thus entitled to those issues, correct? Whether or not
we *choose* to add the swimsuit or any other issue to our collection is up
to us. It is not up to SI/Time to make that decision for us.

As for the "public place" excuse, I'm wondering... Aren't newstands and
bookstores just as "public" as libraries and doctors' offices? Do you
suppose that SI refused to fulfill their requests for the swimsuit issue
because of potential complaints?? No. And I don't think it is censorship so
much as it is greed, as mentioned in an earlier post.

I don't know about you, but having any gap in a periodicals run drives me
bonkers. Having to purchase an issue that was already paid for is a waste
of money and time when it is due to theft of misshelving. When it is the
result the actions of the publisher, it's maddening. And the excuses given
just add fuel to the fire. For instance, offering on extra issues to make
up for the one not sent... like most of you, we paid annually for our SI
subscription, so extending it by 2 issues does little more than screw up
the bookkeeping.

By the way, we cancelled SI beginning in 2007, so this really doesn't
affect my institution directly. I has greatly disappointed the guys who
work in our mailroom, though. ;-)

I just felt a need to chime in.


Brenda L. Battleson
Head, Print Periodicals/Serials
University at Buffalo
134 Lockwood Library Blg.
Buffalo, N.Y. 14260-2210
Ph. 716.645.2305 x232
Fax 716.645.5955

--On Wednesday, March 07, 2007 12:27 PM -0500 "Thomas, Susan Elaine"
<suethoma@IUSB.EDU> wrote:

> Indiana University South Bend also did not receive this issue and has
> put in a claim for it.
> I don't buy the out of issues comment.  Given the digital environment
> and production capabilities I suspect they could easily re-print copies
> as needed.
> I think we need to contact local newspapers, networks, and get ALA
> involved.  Given all the email responses on this issue, it looks like we
> are all being told different stories.  If Sports Illustrated had
> received complaints from doctor's offices over the content why not ask
> the offices to simply not put the issue in the lobby/waiting rooms.  And
> since when are doctor's office's considered public spaces?
> One other suggestion is to ask for public donations to ensure a complete
> run.  When I sent this out to the librarians yesterday, at least one
> librarian offered to donate her copy to the collection.
> Susan E. Thomas
> Head of Collection Development
> Schurz Library
> Indiana University South Bend
> (574) 520-5500
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
> [mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Melissa Farley
> Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 11:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Sports Illustrated policy
> They're lying to you (and us).  I trust my rep. far more than them, and
> if she said that they told her this was policy, I believe her.  She's
> having a department at EBSCO talk to Time directly, so hopefully they're
> able to resolve the issue.
> I don't think any of us should agree to this 2-issue extension.  Time is
> just trying to cover their tracks, and by letting them extend the
> subscription, we're letting them.  Considering most of us didn't receive
> the issue, I think it's plain that this isn't simply a case of them
> running out of the issue.  We get all of the others, don't we?
> This is NOT acceptable behavior from them, and as customers, I think we
> have a right to INSIST on better.
> -Melissa
> Joyce, Kelly wrote:
>> Hello - I'm on hold with them right now and was told that "isn't our
>> policy at all.  We've simply run out of this issue and will extend your
>> subscription for 2 issues"
>> Still on hold she talks to her supervisor about this.  I'm curious what
>> else they may come up with...
>> - Kelly Joyce
>> Hanover College
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
>> [mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Melissa Farley
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 10:22 AM
>> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Sports Illustrated policy
>> My EBSCO representative called the publisher when I noticed we didn't
>> receive this issue, and sent me this message:
>> Just called and was told, TIME INC's policy is NOT to send swimsuit
>> edition
>> to any libraries.  So they will NOT be sending to you.  Sorry, new
>> policy
>> which went into effect this year.
>> I forwarded it to our Head of Acquisitions, and she asked EBSCO if we
>> would be receiving a credit for this issue.  We haven't heard back yet
>> about that, but I suggest that all of us insist on a refund.
>> The policy is completely ridiculous.  Frankly, I don't think it has
>> anything to do with protecting students from scantily clad women--I bet
>> that corporate is afraid that if students can look at the issue in
>> libraries, they won't buy their own copy.  It's all about money.
> That's
>> my cynical side, perhaps.
>> -Melissa Farley
>> Lynne Weaver wrote:
>>> Hello, Folks -
>>> Shame on the people at Time, Inc., who apparently have decided to
>> censor
>>> our receipt of Sports Illustrated.  We did not receive v.106 no.7, the
>>> Swimsuit Issue.  (This is usually dated midway between the second and
>>> third February issues, this year the 12th and 19th, so I'm guessing
>>> February 16th?)  I've been checking a couple of other colleges, who
>>> hadn't gotten it either, so I just figured it was delayed.  When it
>>> still hadn't arrived today, I called EBSCO to claim it.
>>> My customer service rep said they've gotten many calls claiming it,
> and
>>> so contacted the publisher.  The publisher's response was that they
> did
>>> not send it to "institutions" because they didn't think it was
>>> appropriate to do so.  It seems to me that if one has a subscription
> to
>>> a title, all issues for that subscription period should be sent.  It
> is
>>> up to the recipient to decide what to do with the issue once it is
>>> received.  By the way, I checked and found that our public library did
>>> receive it!
>>> I asked our rep to claim it anyway.  I'm hoping that all of you out
>>> there will also do that.  I also intend to send e-mail to SI customer
>>> service complaining and claiming the issue.  Maybe if they get enough
>>> complaints, they'll send it.  (I know; I'm an optimist.)
>>> If any of you have different/better information, please tell the rest
>> of
>>> us.  Thanks.
>>> Lynne N. Weaver
>>> Serials Coordinator
>>> Lipscomb Library
>>> Randolph-Macon Woman's College
>>> 2500 Rivermont Avenue
>>> Lynchburg, VA  24503
>>> 434 947-8396
>>> 434 947-8134 Fax
> --
> ********************************
>          Melissa Farley
>    Library Technical Assistant
>  Irvine Sullivan Ingram Library
>    University of West Georgia
>       Carrollton, GA 30118
>          (678) 839-6498
> ********************************