no, they are not offering this service now but are working on it.
However, you can do a derived search in WorldCat (l4:your 3 digit
symbol) as a keyword search and all records with LHRs attached will
result. You can do the same search in Connexion, but you get "too many
results to display" without including another limiter.
Dana Belcher
Assistant Library Director
Acquisitions/Periodicals Librarian
East Central University
Linscheid Library
1100 E. 14th
Ada, OK 74820
>>> afreitas@SLC.EDU 3/29/2007 9:52 am >>>
Does anyone out there know if OCLC is still sending out the Print
version of
each institution's union listings? Or will it be electronic now?
Thank You
Angelica Freitas
Serials Administrator
Sarah Lawrence College