Postal Rates Sarah D. Tusa 27 Mar 2007 19:20 UTC


The Dean of Library Services just brought me a big print-out of the new
postal rates that are going into effect on May 14, 2007.  That includes
Library Rate (as usual, I guess).  She wants me to be prepared to
discuss the impact of the increased rates with her tomorrow.

Has anyone seen any literature or news that indicates what effect the
higher rates will have on subscription costs?  Will there be reams of
supplemental invoices for "increased rate" for 2007 subscriptions that
have already been paid?  Will it increase the overall inflation rate for
2008?  (Is there an estimate for 2008 subscription price inflation?)

I imagine there will be increased shipping charges for books, but that's
easier to track and document.

Any shared insights will be greatly appreciated.  You may respond
directly to me at:

I will summarize for the list if there is expressed interest.


Sarah Tusa, Associate Professor

Coordinator of Coll. Dev. & Acquisitions

Mary & John Gray Library

Lamar University

Beaumont, TX

"I'm drowning here, and you're describing the water!"  -- Jack
Nicholson, in "As Good as It Gets"