American Chemical Society announces agreement with Portico Adam Chesler 16 Mar 2007 15:32 UTC

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American Chemical Society announces agreement with Portico for permanent
electronic archiving of ACS journal content

The American Chemical Society (ACS) Publications Division has signed a
major archiving agreement with Portico, a not-for-profit organization
whose mission is to preserve scholarly literature published in
electronic form and to ensure that these materials remain accessible to
future scholars, researchers, and students. Portico's electronic
archiving service was launched in 2005 with support provided by The
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Ithaka, The Library of Congress, and JSTOR.
The agreement assures long-term preservation and ongoing access to
electronic content from the journals of the ACS.

With the signing of this agreement, ACS joins a growing body of
publishers - currently numbering more than 30 and encompassing over
6,000 titles - who have entrusted Portico to provide a permanent archive
of their journal content, thus enabling libraries to migrate more
quickly to electronic resources without risking future accessibility.

Robert D. Bovenschulte, President of ACS Publications, commented on the
Portico agreement: "The archiving and preservation of our digital
content is a key strategic priority for ACS Publications. We are
delighted to be partnering with Portico as an important part of our
solution to ensure permanent and ongoing access to our essential
research in the chemical and related sciences. As our institutional
customers and ACS members increasingly rely on electronic content for
their scholarly research, they can be assured of ACS Publications'
commitment to safeguarding electronic access to our journal content for
the future."

Eileen Fenton, Executive Director of Portico, commented: "We are very
pleased that the electronic content of the American Chemical Society
will be added to the Portico archive. As electronic journals have become
a vital part of the scholarly record, the need for robust, multi-layered
archival arrangements has become more urgent. We look forward to
incorporating ACS journal content into Portico's active archive
operations, and are delighted to serve as the secure repository of this
portion of the scholarly record."

The Portico archiving agreement complements ACS's participation in the
CLOCKSS program, which ACS joined in the spring of 2006. CLOCKSS is a
preservation initiative between publishers, libraries, and the Online
Computer Library Center (OCLC).

The American Chemical Society - the world's largest scientific society -
is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress and a global
leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its
multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences.
Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio. The ACS
Publications Division currently publishes 35 leading peer-reviewed
journals in the chemical and related sciences, including the Journal of
the American Chemical Society, as well as Chemical & Engineering News,
the Society's weekly news magazine.

Michael Bernstein

Customer Inquiries:
Adam Chesler

Adam Chesler
Assistant Director, Sales and Library Relations
American Chemical Society
1155 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036

Office Telephone:  (202) 872-6183
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