Reminder: E-resources conference Columbus OH March 22-23 Morag Boyd 02 Mar 2007 13:59 UTC

It only three weeks until "Tools for Managing Electronic Resources"
Thursday, March 22-Friday, March 23, 2007.

Register Now:

Cost: One day is $150 for OHIONET members and $175 for non-members.
Register for both days and save $75!

Full event registration is $225 for OHIONET members and $275 for
non-members. Only a few spaces remain in the workshop.


Workshop: Thursday, March 22

Columbus Metropolitan Library

Morning Session: The E-resources Toolkit
Learn about the various products and services that could help you manage
and facilitate effective use of electronic resources. Topics will
include OpenURL link resolvers, federated search, and Electronic
Resources Management (ERM) systems, and more!

Afternoon Session: Workflows and Best Practices for Acquiring Electronic

Using a workflow model of acquire, provide access, and maintain, the
speakers will cover some best practices and workflow ideas for acquiring
and tracking electronic resources throughout their lifecycle.

Conference: Friday, March 23

State Library of Ohio

Morning Session:

Keynote address "How Electronic Resources Have Changed Libraries"
by Dan Tonkery of EBSCO

Followed by discussion among of panel of librarians from a variety of
types and sizes of libraries.

Afternoon Sessions:

Marketing and Evaluating Electronic Resources
Libraries have made a significant investment into electronic resources.
Marketing and evaluation are important steps in managing an electronic
resource collection.

Next Frontiers: Trends and Issues
Industry experts will update us on the latest trends, pricing models,
and upcoming content in the electronic resources arena.

More information and speaker biographies are on the conference website:

Apologies for cross-posting of this message.


Morag Boyd

OHIONET Member Services Representative

614-486-2966 ext. 37

Toll-free: 1-800-686-8975 <>

Register now for Tools for Managing Electronic Resources