Ian Woodward said:
We collect publications put out by our own student body but to my
knowledge have never added anything from any other student body
***The situation is the same here at Cofrin Library.
***Unsolicited periodicals, of any ilk, are almost without exception,
recycled. I cannot think of any that were ever added to our collection,
at least in my time here. Other freebie publications are passed along
to our acquisitions librarian for a decision. Again, I cannot think of
any put out by non-UW students that were added to our collection.
***As for advice, if the publication has scholarly value, the student
body may want to try to "sell" it to professors of the subject. We do
buy what a professor requests (well, almost always, at least :)
Jeanette L. Skwor
Serials Dept., Cofrin Library
University of WI-Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311-7003
"Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will
get you through times of no libraries."
Anne Herbert, The Whole Earth Catalog