Ever want to hear more about serials from the perspective of editors and
publishers? Here's an opportunity! I've launched a webcast radio program
called Periodical Radio, available at
While intended for a general audience, the questions I ask and the
responses may be of particular interest to my fellow Serialisters.
Five programs are currently available:
Voices: Journal of the New York Folklore Society
Ellen McHale, Executive Director. Folklore, membership subscriptions,
and challenges of maintaining a non-profit society's journal.
New York State Conservationist
David Nelson, Editor. Wildlife and conservation, role of magazine in
mission of state agency, and title changes.
Film History
Richard Koszarski, Editor-in-Chief. Themes in the history of film, role
of associate editors and editorial advisory board.
Film & History
Deborah Carmichael, Associate Editor. History in film and film in
history, using film as a teaching tool, and the journal's companion
Thomas White, Editor. Documentary filmmaking, impact of digital
revolution, role of festivals and awards, and subscription vs. newsstand
My goal is to do a program a week. If there is a journal or magazine you
think would make an interesting program, please let me know! Our plan is
to archive the programs indefinitely.
Steve Black
Reference, Serials, and Instruction Librarian
Neil Hellman Library
The College of Saint Rose
392 Western Ave.
Albany, NY 12203
(518) 458-5494