Re: Local Holdings for multiformat holdings Martha Coleman 29 Nov 2006 21:25 UTC

Hi Peter,
We used to use a single print oclc record to display all of our holding
formats too, but I believe you will need to create a separate holding
record for each format now.  I created constant data records for each
format (film only currently received; film only not currently received;
paper only with limited retention, etc.) to make creating the records
easier.  The same Summary statement appears in each record.

When the information displays in WorldCat, for example, you see the
Summary statement.  Clicking on that holdings link will then show you
each format.  OCLC Record # 1743347 for American Journal of Nursing
shows this.  Our OCLC symbol is ASZ if you want to see how our paper,
microfilm and microfiche look.

I have a short how-to manual if that would help.

Peter Spyers-Duran wrote:

>I am having trouble determining the proper way to create local holdings
>in OCLC for a serial on a single bibliographic record that represents
>multiple formats (print, microfiche, and microfilm).  What have others
>done in similar situations?  Recommendations of OCLC records would be
>extremely helpful.  Thank you.
>Peter Spyers-Duran, MAAE, MALIS
>Cataloging Librarian
>University of Central Florida Libraries, 321B
>4000 Central Florida Boulevard
>Orlando, FL 32816-2666
>Tel. (407) 823-5880    Fax (407) 823-5865
> Ask A Librarian

Martha Coleman
Reference/Serials Librarian
University of Arkansas - Fort Smith
Boreham Library
5210 Grand Avenue   PO Box 3649
Fort Smith,  AR  72913
479-788-7208     FAX 479-788-7209