Re: ERM Using Microsoft's Access Database Application Melissa Farley 01 Nov 2006 19:16 UTC

What's ERM? I'm guessing that it's Electronic Records Management, maybe?

I made an Access database to manage all of our serials records, physical
and electronic, if you're interested in what I've learned.


Narda Tafuri wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> I did not receive much of a response to my original request -- so I am
> sending it out again. I was contacted by a couple of people that are
> interested in developing an Access database to handle this type of
> info. but do not have one right now.  So, now  I am interested in
> finding either folks that may currently be using a MS Access database
> to do ERM *OR* folks that may be interested in being involved in
> developing an ERM database cooperatively.
> If you are currently using MS Access for this purpose, OR if you have
> been thinking that you would like to develop an MS Access database but
> have not had the time, etc. and would like to be part of a cooperative
> effort to create one, please contact me directly at:
> Thank you!
> Narda Tafuri


         Melissa Farley
   Library Technical Assistant
 Irvine Sullivan Ingram Library
   University of West Georgia
      Carrollton, GA 30118

         (678) 839-6498
