The ethnic studies journals at UCLA, produced by some of the first
ethnic studies centers in the nation, are finally online with full text
from all issues, through MetaPress.
The first journal to go online is the journal of record in the field of
Chicano studies at
<> All libraries with
subscriptions to Aztlan AND who already subscribe to journals at
MetaPress should have automatic access through ip address
authentication. If you have any problems, please contact your
subscription agent or Natalie Carroll at
If you are not a subscriber to Aztlan: A Journal of Chicano Studies
<> , devoted to
the study of 20 million Mexican Americans, please contact me. Online
access to all issues comes free with the print subscription.
The other two journals, Amerasia
<> and the American
Indian Culture and Research Journal
<> , will be online in 2007.
Wendy Belcher
Press Manager
UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center
193 Haines Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1544