Re: print leisure reading magazines Bill Cohen, Publisher, The Haworth Press, Inc. 14 Sep 2006 16:16 UTC


When you say "leisure reading," do you mean primarily popular magazines
as well as professional
/practice/ periodicals, as opposed to research journals?

By "research journals," I mean journals which publish
article-after-auricle about results from single experiments, or else
literature reviews on a single topic.

Bill Cohen, /Publisher & Editor-in-Chief/
The Haworth Press, Inc.

pamela.contakos@SIT.EDU wrote:
> We have kept leisure reading in print even if we have it electronically. For our academic, reseearch type journals we have eliminated the print if we have the electronic copy but if someone wants to sit down and thumb through The Economist it just isn't the same online.  We have also made a move recently to move all our leisure titles out of the library and into the coffee shop on campus in the hopes that they will get wider readership. We just started this a week ago so I'm not sure what the result is.