Re: Haworth Press Bill Cohen, Publisher, The Haworth Press, Inc. 11 Sep 2006 19:56 UTC


I accept personal responsibility for any clear /errors/ in numbering by
Haworth Press in its journal numbering.

However, numbering serials from 1 through 4, where several numbers may be
combined, does not to the best of my knowledge constitute a numbering
error.  A numbering error would be announcing a quarterly from 1 through
4, but omitting the 4th number.

Sarah, you must clearly let us know if we have committed that kind of
error, and further--whether we have consistently reduced the provision of
pages over a reasonable period of time, for a specific journal title.

According to our in-house statistics, we publish 4 issues per volume for a
quarterly, and provide 150 printed pages per volume.  I believe our
/content/, the number of printed pages per volume, is significantly higher
than other journal publishing houses where a membership society does not
subsidize the number of pages per journal per volume, and I can share
copies of back-up documentation for this.

Sarah, I do not dispute your desire for simple and consistent numbering.
We all want this. But we rely on human beings to produce the content, and
much deal with their inconsistencies.

 From this end, our greatest desire is to see an understanding from the
other end--the information consuming end--that in our changing era of
continual information flow, a change in expectations might be established.
Otherwise we will cause each other ulcers.  We do /not/ wish to engender
this discomfort, nor receive it, nor do we anticipate such a desire at the
other end.

At the end of the day, I believe--and this is the final proof of the
pudding--that we are on the same page.

Bill Cohen, /Publisher & Editor-in-Chief/
The Haworth Press, Inc.

tusa@ALMARK.LAMAR.EDU wrote:
> My complaint about Haworth Press has mostly been based on the fact that they
> don't seem to know what a quarterly publication schedule is.  Their numbering
> scheme and publication schedule for some of their titles has been goofy for
> years.  Numbering things from 1 to 4, for example, does NOT make a publication
> quarterly if numbers 1 and 2 are combined and numbers 3 and 4 are published
> a year later (and also combined!)
> Some major publishers admittedly produce journals with even more erratic numbering schemes or publication schedules, but it seems it would be very simple for
> Haworth Press to adopt a more consistent schedule -- and quit calling a
> publication a quarterly when it's published semi-annually at best!
> I guess if they get caught up with the electronic side of things, we won't have
> to care as much about the numbering and issue dates.
> That's my venting session for the week.  Apologies for not being more helpful.
> Sarah Tusa
> Lamar University